I don't have internet at home anymore, unless I figure out a way to crack one of my neighbor's homes (both on either side of me have wireless but it is password protected) or win the lottery so I can afford to hook my own. Thank goodness for having an unlimited data plan on a smartphone so I can at least keep up somewhat, lol.
Many, many, many thanks to Liz, Mich, & parisienne.love for the recent comments! You rock! <3 The new car is going well, no big issues so far, it's great on gas, & my driving it is going much, much smoother than when I first got it now that I am more used to having a stick shift.
I'm getting fatter again. Like almost back up to where I was when I started this blog over a year ago. Just under 2 more pounds & I would be back up at that weight. So frustrating. I've gained about 15 pounds from my lowest (of this year/blog start) & at least 10 pounds over my lowest held steady for a decent amount of time weight.
118.4, that's what the scale said at like 4:30am this morning, & also what it said at a more decent time yesterday, so no gain & might have been some loss if I had slept more than a couple hours & hadn't had to weigh so early because I had to go to work. I know there are many out there who would love to be at that weight, who may have an ultimate or short-term goal around that number, but I am (as I've mentioned) disappointed because it is too high for someone who is as short as me. If I were not a shortie (which I actually don't mind except for the whole being able to spot a few extra pounds so easily), that wouldn't be an awful weight, it would alright or good or even great.
My downfall is both the amount I've been eating as well as the quality. Sometimes one or the other & sometimes both. My motivation seems to be crap. I had a few days in a row & a day here & there that were good, but I ruined them by doing a 180. Boo.
Not that I'm depressed or anything, though it kinda sounds that way by the tone so far. I'm disappointed with myself when it comes to the whole having gained weight thing, but hopefully (& hopefully sooner rather than later) that will help motivate me. It hasn't so far but it usually goes that I will unmotivated for some time & then all of a sudden the motivation comes back.
Anyways, I hope you are all having a wonderful week & reaching whatever goals you may have. I'm trying to get my entire house clean-clean & organized better. Worked on that Sunday. Hoping to sometimes after work this week & my day off tomorrow.
I wanna be in the mountains
2 months ago