Tuesday, May 31, 2011


I wanted to post but I couldn't think of what I would post about.  So I decided that I would use Google Images & search 10 random things that popped in my head & find a picture within the first few sections to post here.

[Just the way you are] Because that Bruno Mars song is stuck in my head because it was on last night's episode of The Secret Life of the American Teenager (I am not sure why I watch this show, I just can't seem to help myself from it for some strange reason), which I watched this morning.

[Berry kiss]  What my hands smell like right now.  It is like my all-time favorite Secret Garden scent & one of my fave scents overall.  And they discontinued it.  Boo.

[Sweet tea]  What I am drinking right now.  Except mine is in a tall can & made by Arizona.

[Pink mouse]  My wireless mouse is pink (& white & black).  A picture actually came up of the exact mouse I have, but this one is just less boring.

[Warm]  Because it has been quite warm here lately.

[Legless dog]  I read a status tonight that had a joke.
What do you call a dog with no legs?
Doesn't matter what you call him, he ain't comin'.

[Early]  I have to be up early  tomorrow to be at my friend's place to help with something (8am, which isn't all that early for some, but it is kind of for me, mostly because I have insomnia-type issues).

[Blank dvd]  I have a spindle of some blank dvds next to my computer.

[Lunchable]  What I had for dinner.  Mine was store bought & had turkey, crackers, American cheese, & 2 Oreos (although I don't eat the cheese).  This one looks yummier!

[Night]  Because it's night.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


I am so tired of being mad at myself for having gained like 10 pounds this year & continually not doing anything about it.  I keep saying to myself that I'm going to stop eating so much junk & so often, but I have yet to do so.  I am so irritated with myself.

Yesterday wasn't so bad, though it started out unwell.  I ate breakfast & lunch together at lunchtime.  I had 2 donuts & got a 24oz rootbeer (which lasted me the day & still has some left somehow).  Then late at night I had like 3 glasses of wine, a very small cube of cheese, & a small handful of pretzel m&m's.  Most of my lack of eating during the day was not due to willpower or any kind of effort.  I had a bad day mentally/emotionally.  Some people are stress eaters or eat when they are upset.  I am the opposite usually, which is about the only good thing about being sad or stressed.

Another thing that gets me (it doesn't irritate me or anything, it's just something I think about) is how if I were not so short, the weight I am at now (114.6 lb this morning) would be decent or thin, easily.  But because I am under 5 foot, it's too much.  It is still in the normal range, but I don't like it.  I don't like the way it feels or the way my clothes fit currently.  Being short, I notice weight gain/loss every few pounds usually (especially the gain).

Today I haven't eaten anything yet, but it's just after 11am.  I am working an 8 hour shift this afternoon so at least part of the day I won't be able to eat junk, but hopefully I don't make up for it before or after work.  My goal is not to fast necessarily or even restrict a bunch, just to not eat so much like I have been & eat less crappy foods.

Honestly, if given the choice, I wouldn't choose to lose weight the way I tend to.  I would choose to be more 'normal' about food & like my body/weight more instead.  But I have forgotten what that's like.  Before I hit puberty, I ate candy & stuff ALL the time.  Major sweettooth.  But it never mattered because apparently back then my metabolism was kicking some ass.  My freshman year of high school I ate sweets a lot & went out to eat a lot (we had open campus for lunch then plus I would go out sometimes after school or before sports games) & I weighed 88 pounds!  Granted, I was a few inches shorter then, but still.  I would so so so love to be able to eat like that & weigh that little.

So I guess I will stop rambling now.  I hope you are all having a great week & succeeding in your goals, whatever they may be, from exercise to eating to recovery to life in general.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


I just wanted to share some links to some stories/articles for you all to check out.  I tried to include some kind of description/excerpt to give you an idea of what each one was about.  If you check any of them out, let me know which & what you thought please!

Mel C; Pregnancy saved her from bulimia
Mel C reveals giving birth to daughter Scarlet cured her of bulimia

Scientists find "master switch" gene for obesity
Scientists have found that a gene linked to diabetes and cholesterol is a "master switch" that controls other genes found in fat in the body, and say it should help in the search for treatments for obesity-related diseases.

World's Fattest Girl, age 6, 201 lbs
Standing just 3ft 5ins tall and weighing a staggering 14st 5lbs, this child weighs five times more than she should.  Suman Khatun is believed to be one of the world's fattest kids - and eats enough food each week to feed her entire village.

7 Ways to Swap Fat Out of Your Diet
Choose skim milk instead of cream.
Choose cottage cheese instead of cream cheese.
Choose ham on your pizza instead of pepperoni.
Choose an egg white omelet instead of a regular egg omelet.
Choose a grilled chicken burger instead of a hamburger.
Choose a baked potato instead of French fries.
Choose turkey bacon instead of regular bacon.
(see article link for more details)

Snacks with 80 calories or less
They have a bit of variety, from salty to sweet & even beer!

Calisthenics Come Back as the Anywhere Workout
NO GYM NECESSARY.  Rob Morea, an owner of Great Jones Fitness in Manhattan, offers exercises that can be done in a hotel room.

Does every gathering have to involve food?
More evidence is pointing to the fact that having fat friends can be, well, contagious.
The more overweight a woman’s social circle is, the more likely she is to be obese herself, according to Arizona State University research just published in the American Journal of Public Health online. Interestingly, researchers found that this may have less to do with shared values — such as “It’s OK to be fat” — than it does shared behaviors.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Foto Friday 29

I know there isn't a Foto Friday 28 (not sure if anyone else notices/would notice or not) post, but it was actually included as part of my last post, title Ahundred.  This is now my 101st post & tomorrow it will have been one year since my 1st post!  I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! :)

Special shout-out to Mich for recent commenting.  I watched the video of the girl meeting Justin Bieber, that is so neat (for her, lol)!  I got a crock pot for Christmas a few years ago but have yet to use it!  Which is crazy because I totally should, they are so neat & so many things you can make with them, I just forget I have it or don't have stuff to use in it.  I'm lazy about it I guess, lol.  Also, I read on your blog you found some lamb kidneys, so hooray for that!

And now, onto some pictures...

Slightly blurry photo of a fireworks display, set up as soon as Easter was over.  Holidays come sooner every year!
 Creepy baby on an ad on Facebook to become a social worker.  That baby doesn't make me want to become one.  I don't know what it is, but the baby is so creepy, like it's possessed or evil or something & would come after you.

Picture of a lil cute puppy that was in the online newspaper.  I wish I could have it! :/

Such a pretty blue color, especially for a flower!

Another Facebook ad.  What the crap?

A message in the sand!

Thursday, May 5, 2011


This is my 100th post!  I thought I would share a video, from How I Met Your Mother's 100th episode.  Seems fitting.  Plus I so love that show! :)

I am up 8 pounds from New Year's day.  I am up 11 pounds from my lowest weight of 2011.  I am only 5.6 pounds below the weight I was at when I started this blog almost a year ago.  Awful.  Disappointing in that I lost weight & gained the majority of it back & most of it recently.  But I need to get back on track.  I am hoping to lose weight by eating decently & exercising.

I recently found out I am going to be way more broke than I thought, so I am hoping that that information will help curb my spending money on junky food, such as fast food & snacks.  Stupid gas prices & stupid not getting enough hours at work/not finding a new job (I like my work place & the people I work with, I just wish I could make more money working there).

I need motivation.  It sucks that I am tired most of the time (due to insomnia issues that affect my sleep quantity and/or sleep quality).  I wish I could get my hands on Adderall or something similar to it.  That would be great.  But alas, I have no connections & no money anyhow.

I got my blender out today (it's been stored for over a year since my last move because there was already one here until recently) & there was a crack all the way down the side.  I didn't notice it when I filled it with water but I did when I turned the blender on as it was leaking down the side.  Dislike.  Later on when my son's father stopped by, the subject came up & my son had an idea that a blender would be a good idea for Mother's Day & then later on his father asked if I would rather have that instead of a card & candy/flower type stuff.  Um, heck yeah!  So that's hooray!  (on 2 accounts I suppose, since if I were to receive candy or cake it would be sitting around tempting me to gain more weight essentially so I will avoid that plus get a blender & not have to buy it)  He said it wouldn't be much a surprise this way but he figured he better ask before I decided to get one before then (which is totally possible if I found a decently priced one & could let myself spend the $ to get it) but I said I didn't mind at all.

Anyone have any wonderful plans for the weekend/Mother's Day (as either a mother or child of a mother)?  I am working Friday for a few hours & again on Sunday, plus my son has a game & team pictures Saturday.

And since it's less than an hour from being Friday, I think I shall post a few pics from my phone from April!

This was actually sent to me by a friend who was on vacation, visiting Animal Kingdom @ Disney World.

 Apparently someone dropped (threw in anger? tried to juggle? played kick the jar?) a jar of pickles in the parking lot of the grocery store.  They seemed to have gotten most of the glass but left behind the pickles & the smell.

 Although this is a onesie for a baby, I feel I can relate to this.

 A strawberry smoothie from the little food place at Target.  Tastes just like a strawberry Fruit Rollup to me.